“Down on the Farm” An historic presentation of The Skamokawa Creamery Farmers Association; 1898 thr
[Skamokawa, WA] Friends of Skamokawa presents
“Down on the Farm” An historic presentation of The Skamokawa Creamery Farmers Association; 1898 through 1943.
Our “Down on the Farm” exhibit open June 1st, runs through August 31st and features historical photos, antique creamery items, and more. Taste Little Island Creamery samples at our opening along with other beverages, cookies, and treats. Little Island Creamery will also be sharing their experiences running a creamery in Wahkiakum County today.
Artist Keith Hoofnagle will have pieces available for purchase.
“Down on the Farm”
An historic presentation of The Skamokawa Creamery Farmers Association; 1898 through 1943
Where: Skamokawa’s River Life Interpretive Center/Central School/Redmen Hall, 1394 W. State Route 4, Skamokawa, WA
When: Saturday June 1st 12:00 – 4:00 PM
Call: (360) 795-3007
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.friendsofskamokawa.org
Presented by:
Friends of Skamokawa Foundation
River Life interpretive Center/Central School/Redmen Hall
(360) 795-3007
1394 W. State Route 4 / PO Box 67
Skamokawa, WA 98647
Friends of Skamokawa Mission Statement
To promote, support, and create opportunities
to enhance the well-being of the Skamokawa National
Historic District and surroundings through historical
and historically compatible development and through the
interpretation of the natural and human history
of the Skamokawa National Historic District.